
125mpg and rising!


The ultimate Insight internet web resource, where I spend most of my time as a moderator and advisor.  Contains a huge wealth of info in the forums and a friendly helpful worldwide member base.

Insight & Web Links

There are lots of great internet sites out there.  Here are a few of my favorites.

The UK Battery Vehicle Society

The UK’s own society for Battery powered vehicles, with info ranging from the humble Milk Float to the Tesla supercar. The good forum with helpful members is very useful. 

My Contact details ;-

E-mail: peter(AT)solarvan.gotadsl.co.uk


My MSN is also my e-mail above, so you can

add me to your contacts if you wish to chat

about Honda Insight Mk1 Issues/advice.


Mike Dabrowski’s Insight Resource and home of the famous MIMA computer system. Which allows manual control of the Insight IMA motor system.  An excellent upgrade which can help with poor batteries and improves mpg with a careful driver by upto 10-15%.


Honda UK’s Website contains details of the new Honda Insight.